Single Gear vs Twin Gear Juicer – Which is Better?

Single Gear vs Twin Gear Juicer – Which is Better? To answer these question it is important to understand the subtle differences in the way they work and the resulting difference in the quality of juice.
Both single gear juicer and twin gear juicer crushes and squeezes fruits and vegetables to extract the juice. This way of extracting juice yields juices that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
In contrast, a centrifugal juicer which works by using sharp blades rotating at high speeds to cut up the fruits and vegetables in order to extract the juice yields a juice rich in pulp. In addition the heat build up during cutting and allows for oxidation which destroys some of the nutrients.
Although both the single gear juicer and twin gear juicer appear to work on the same concept, that is by crushing and squeezing the produce fed into them, it will be useful to the know differences if your planning to invest in these type juicer machines.
Single Gear Juicer
A single gear (single auger) juicer is also known as a masticating juicer. Masticate literally means to chew and this type of juicer crushes and squeezes the fruits and vegetables. It is comparatively more efficient than centrifugal juicer and is able to extract higher yields of juice from the same amount of fruits and vegetables resulting in drier pulp.
Twin Gear Juicer
A twin gear juicer is also known as a triturating juicer and work by having two interlocking gears that are aligned very closely together. Triturate means to rub or crush into fine particles and this type of juicer uses a two-step process to extract juice.
In the first step the produce to be juiced such as vegetables, wheatgrass and fruit are fed into the rotating twin gears where the produce is crushed thus releasing the juice from the fibres. The second part of the process presses the crushed fruits and vegetables to squeeze out the juice.
Twin gear juicers operate at much lower speed (80-110 RPM) than single gear juicers ensuring even less air is trapped in the food and more nutrients being preserved from less heat. They are more efficient and provide the driest pulp of all the types of juicers.
A couple of the best twin gear juicers on the market are the Samson 6 in 1 Electric Wheatgrass Juicer and TriBest Green Star GSE-5000 Elite Juicer. The Samson 6 in 1 Electric Wheatgrass Juicer does an excellent job of extracting juice from leafy green vegetables, it doesn’t take up too much room on your counter-top, and it is a very quiet machine. The Green Star GSE-5000 is easy to assemble, easy to clean and uses a quiet yet heavy-duty twin gear impeller press system for maximum juice extraction.
Which Type Is Better?
So when it comes to the comparison of single gear juicer vs twin gear juicer in deciding which is better, the answer would have to be the twin gear juicer. It is the most efficient type of juicer available and can extract higher yields of juice from fruits, vegetables, wheatgrass, pine needles, spinach, and other greens and herbs. The twin gear juicer is also able to produce juice with even less oxidation and foaming, resulting in a healthier and better tasting juice.
One thing to keep in mind however is that a twin gear juicer is generally going to be quite a bit more expensive than a single gear juicer. By the same token a single gear juicer will generally be more expensive than a centrifugal juicer. This is one of those times in life where you get what you pay for. If you want a higher quality juicer you are going to have to pay more for it. Therefore, it’s a good idea to do some comparison shopping and carefully study a number of different options to make sure you are getting the best juicer you can at the best price available.
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